This is something I've struggled with for quite some time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
The internal debate that I have goes as follows:
How much, if at all, does anyone have a right to enforce morality?
Putting guards on the GW to make sure people don't make the jump is a larger question - one that concerns authority and our right to free choice.
However, preventative moral watchguards with the rise of technology are a different story.
Should craigslist have a personals section? Should pornography be outlawed? These are tough questions to answer.
I am confident, though, that Gizmodo's recent article on how to cheat online and get away with it crosses the line.
Erika Stalder outlines and details different methods of cheating on your significant other, providing links to websites like Ashley Madison, a discreet affairs website, or AlibiNetwork, a website that will send fake doctor appointment confirmations to throw off suspicion.
My moral compass tells me that as crafty as the article is, I can do better than that. But what about people like Chris Lee? What if he had come across this article before he decided to venture onto craigslist?
It's a tough call, but I just think its wrong.
Check it out at: http://gizmodo.com/#!5758082/how-to-cheat-onlineand-get-away-with-it
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