Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Was Osama Bin Laden a semi-normal guy?
How interesting!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Branding with Brendan
After seeing a guest post by Brendan Mullin, Director at Peppercom Strategic Communications on Steve Cody, Co-founder and Managing Partner of Peppercom's RepMan blog, I felt compelled to revisit the Nixon-Kennedy debate. Brendan wrote about Ben Bernanke, who is the current Fed Chairman, and how he recently declared that he will be holding quarterly press conferences. He compared the upcoming conferences to FDR's fireside chats during the Great Depression.
In a Time piece titled How the Nixon-Kennedy Debate Changed the World that we read earlier in the semester, Kayla Webley detailed the significance of the Nixon-Kennedy debate. She described how Nixon's sickly appearance during a television debate ultimately led to Kennedy's victory. Kennedy himself said that "It was the TV more than anything else that turned the tide."
Fireside chats, televised debates, and even blog-posts – all of these things are part of a larger brand that you create for yourself. The way you appear to the public can be an asset, or it can bring you down. It's all about how you brand yourself. This includes just about everything – at a basic level, how you look, but also the activities you participate in and the people you associate yourself with.
Brendan came to speak to our Public Relations class yesterday about creating a brand for yourself, and using your personal brand to break through the clutter as a gateway to success in the workplace and beyond. His presentation compelled me to search my name on Google, which I do periodically, but I decided to check it again. I found myself scrolling through at least ten pages of results published in the past few months alone, including blog posts for Isn't Media Political?, posts written for my marketing internship, pages and pages of Cross Country race results, and even a mildly embarrassing candid shot of me taken by a newspaper reporter for the St. Louis Post Dispatch.
A brand can be a very powerful thing when utilized properly. Take the time to go through your Google results, check your Facebook privacy settings, and by all means do not participate in a television debate before you've checked yourself out in the mirror.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Money Well Spent?
The NY Times, in a recent article about the money spent on private jets for presidential campaigns details both the necessity for private travel and the tremendous amount of money spent on it. Marc Ramthun, operations manager at CSI Campaign Travel Services, estimates private campaign travel costs at somewhere between $3 to $5 million dollars, and that’s just in the initial stages of an election. Later, leading candidates may spend up to $20 million on private travel.
The demanding schedule of a political candidate necessitates multi-leg flights, multiple times a week. The author of the article, Joe Sharkey, estimates that it could take half a week to try and schedule a typical campaign day's itinerary via commercial airlines.
Are these costs unnecessary in principle, or does the efficiency in time and privacy of a chartered flight justify spending millions of dollars on private air travel?
I'd say it depends on who the candidate is, how much their travel costs weigh out in commercial VS private travel costs, and how much is at stake.
Any thoughts?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Mixing Business with Pleasure - Don't Do It!
It is one thing to "like" a picture, a status update or an event, but it's another completely different matter to put media influence in the hands of your friends. There's a reason why you have your neighbor or great aunt's emails forwarded to your second email. We have enough media bias nowadays as is.
All I'm saying is – take a good, careful look at your Gchat list before you let them influence what you care about.
Friday, March 25, 2011
As if we could use some more bad PR...
Homemade rockets? Suuuure....

Its no big news that paying attention to the wording of description of recent events will be crucial in understanding the agenda of different sides. However, the media's claims are getting more and more outlandish recently:
Monday, March 7, 2011
Freedom of speech = big bucks
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Intelligent illegal behavior
Steve Jobs does the job
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
"Now I keep the cow and my family has milk" - Jose Guzman Santana

PepsiCo has made a deal with Mexican farmers, buying crops directly from 300 small farmers with a guarantee for upfront payment.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Drowning in a sea of advertisements
This is a reality in every industry - from fashion to cars to news reporting.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Moral policing

This is something I've struggled with for quite some time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
The internal debate that I have goes as follows:
How much, if at all, does anyone have a right to enforce morality?
Putting guards on the GW to make sure people don't make the jump is a larger question - one that concerns authority and our right to free choice.
However, preventative moral watchguards with the rise of technology are a different story.
Should craigslist have a personals section? Should pornography be outlawed? These are tough questions to answer.
I am confident, though, that Gizmodo's recent article on how to cheat online and get away with it crosses the line.
Erika Stalder outlines and details different methods of cheating on your significant other, providing links to websites like Ashley Madison, a discreet affairs website, or AlibiNetwork, a website that will send fake doctor appointment confirmations to throw off suspicion.
My moral compass tells me that as crafty as the article is, I can do better than that. But what about people like Chris Lee? What if he had come across this article before he decided to venture onto craigslist?
It's a tough call, but I just think its wrong.
Check it out at: http://gizmodo.com/#!5758082/how-to-cheat-onlineand-get-away-with-it
Oh, Chris Lee.

Not only is it embarrassing that he threw away his political career in the hopes of what probably would have been a disappointing rendezvous in a cheap motel, its just lame.
Lee did the same, unoriginal act that politicans, atheletes and entertainers have been doing for centuries - except he couldn't quite manage to get it right.
Just three weeks after Lee was tempted into infidelity by a Craigslist post by a lonely 34-year old, all of his emails and pictures were released in a Gawker exclusive feature.
Successful or unsuccessful, whether the affair lasts for days or years, infidelity, which seems to be part of a politician's job description these days, has been done too many times to be deemed scandalous. Nowadays, its just boring.
Check it out on gawker: http://gawker.com/#!5755071/married-gop-congressman-sent-sexy-pictures-to-craigslist-babe